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Family and Newborn Photoshoot on the Beach

I think it's already pretty well known that I absolutely LOVE newborn photo sessions. It brings me right back to when my little guys were teeny tiny babies and the photos that I just cherish so much from their first few days in this big new world. Usually my newborn photoshoots take place in my client's homes or in my studio, but this beautiful family had a vision of their little boy's newborn photo session at the beach. This little guy was such a trooper and was wide awake, taking in all the things we love about the sand and the sea.

Today I wanted to share some of my favorite images from that shoot - not only because they are of a beautiful family, but because maybe this will inspire another family to really capture their family's emotions and document those first few weeks in a different way.

Since Father's Day is coming up in just a few weekends, I also wanted to share images that made me teary. Dad is a first responder and I am eternally grateful for everything our community's first responders to for us in both "regular" times, and even more so in times when they stand out in front and risk their lives for us during things like a global pandemic. Here are a few that really strung a chord with me.

Welcome to this world beautiful tiny human. I hope wonderful and magical things for you as you grow!

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